Well, here goes nothing....
I am still awake - yes it is 12:30 in the morning, and I am scheduled to leave the house tomorrow morning at 6:50AM to head up to the craft fair in Encinitas. That's probably about five hours of sleep...
But, hey, I got everything accomplished that I wanted to - I just wish I would have prepared a bit more. A few of the handbags I designed came out really *cute* - wish I could have made more...
I think I have enough of a variety... I've been working my tail off the last three weeks to pull this thing together...
I hope to see some friends and family tomorrow - I need all the moral support I can get... Remember the story I told you of the last craft fair I did? I'm nervous... and anxious... I hope that I sell at least one thing...
Well... wish me luck... for those I see tomorrow, I'm apologizing in advance if I'm a sleepy-head!
P.S. - I'm way too tired to post pictures of everything right now... I did take pictures though. I will post everything after the fair...