In my entire existence (okay a whole twenty-something years) I have never had such a weird week...
Exhibit One - My car. Randomly it decided to semi-overheat (loud hissing noise, temp needle in the red) while I was driving on the freeway Tuesday. Now, I've had some major issues with my car (um, like replacing an engine), so needless to say I was a bit peev'd. Andy came to my rescue at the side of the freeway, and everything under the hood looked fine. We decided to drive it home, only two miles, and it was fine. Since we've had some not-so-great experiences with the car, we took it to a mechanic. Eight miles later, it was fine. The diagnosis from the mechanic - um, we're not sure what happened, all tests are good, except that there are hydrocarbons in the coolant which could mean that there is something wrong with a casket (insert some mechanic terms that I don't understand), we think if we pull out said casket and test it then we might find that this is the problem. Price tag - $1700! WHAT?!?
We decide to take it to the mechanic that installed the engine. They determine after a full day of tests (the other mechanic only tested it for an hour), that they don't know what happened either. They did test said casket without having to remove it, and they said it was fine. So, a new radiator cap and coolant flush later - only $115. Much better. But so weird that the car over-heated on me and that no one else could get it to happen. Typical, very typical.
Exhibit Two - CoWorker. Okay, Friday... It's 10AM, a co-worker has not been to the office yet. I'm worried. No one has seen her or heard from her. I'm more worried. I call her cell phone - no answer. Hmm, how weird... this is so unlike her. Fifteen minutes later, a call from her roommate... um, "said coworker" told me to call you... she just called me, she didn't come home last night and she called me from... jail. WHAT?!? This can't be true... it is so unlike the coworker. An hour later, she calls me, obviously tired and emotion... I told her to stay home and sleep - we could survive the day without her - and if she needed anything, anything at all, to give me a call.
Exhibit Three - My Cat Can't Pee. Funny, but really not. Andy and I did not go home on Friday after work because my company had their annual Christmas party in Orange County. It's pretty cool because those that go to the party from out of town are hosted to a hotel room, on the company. Sweet. So, just like we do every year, we go. We met Erika for breakfast on Saturday morning (again, a typical annual thing), and start heading home. When we get home, Spike is having some MAJOR problems. I will spare the mental graphics. Anyway, we pack him up and take him to the only vet open - an Animal ER (so let's just say the money that we saved on the car is no more). They whisked him away immediately. Diagnosis - blocked urethra. Don't know what has caused the blockage to occur yet, but as of late last night he was doing well. The vet said we were lucky, we caught it just in time... it had not caused backflow to Spike's kidneys, therefore not effecting his blood (Thank God!). The vet is concerned because the blockage was pretty far up (again sparing graphics) and that is very unusual. We may have to have them do an ultrasound just to make sure there isn't a bigger problem. Today will be all about flushing Spike's system, and if everything is okay, he will be able to come home tonight. Keep your fingers crossed... we miss him.
So, here's to staying home all day, watching football, and organizing my sewing area.... and hoping for a more mellow upcoming week!
Poor kitty! Did you go to the Animal ER in Mission Valley? One of my friends from High School is a lab tech there. I hope your kitty recovers just fine.
My car has been acting weird too, and failed its smog test last month. This is going to get expensive, I'm sure.
Posted by: Jessica | December 11, 2005 at 11:20 AM
Awww poor Spike! lemme know if things are too hectic for a Tuesday thing.
Posted by: mimsie | December 11, 2005 at 07:13 PM
Wow. Quite a few things happening there. I hope things get better soon!
Posted by: CJ | December 12, 2005 at 10:04 AM