I wanted to get more practice sewing with knit fabrics, especially since I've invested in some gorgeous fabrics.
So, New Look 6571 was the answer...
There is a cami there too, it just didn't show up in the picture
Pattern: New Look 6571, views B (cami), D (v-pullover) and E (elastic waist skirt).
Fabric: 3/4 yard of knit jet-set in tan, 3.5 yards of knit jet-set in navy, all purchased at Joann's.
Alterations: In a serger class awhile back, the instructor indicated how useful it is to use clear elastic in the necklines of knit garments. It allows for less gaping and a more ready-to-wear-look. I figured that the cami and v-pullover would be good opportunities to practice this technique. Instead of folding over the neck/back on both tops, I serged clear elastic to the fabric edge, folded that over and topstitched in place. I'm very happy with the results!
I initially had issue with the fit of the cami. It was way too big, and the arm straps (which are connected to the underarm of the garment in a bias-tape kind of fashion) seemed to have stretched out quite a bit. I took in the side and back seams by an addition 1/2 inch, and was stuck in regards to the straps. Instead of ripping the entire thing out (also read as: that would have been a complete pain in the side), I decided to add a design detail (winkwink) and cut the straps:
I think that turned out pretty cute in a pinch!
I am not a real big fan of "inserted" elastic waistbands after the casing has been completed. I changed that construction element, and instead serged the pre-measured elastic to the top edge of the skirt, folded that over and topstitched in place. I love this method much more, and have used it many many times.
And, of course, I am lazy, and opted for a serged rolled hem on the sleeves, and all bottom hems. The bonus is that it added a more relaxed look.
Cost: I got 1.5 yards on sale at 50% off, the 2-3/4 left I paid the full price of $3.99/yd. The pattern was $3.99. The thread came from the stash. Total - $13.96. An entire work-appropriate outfit for less than $14!
Impressions: I really like the look and comfort of this outfit. I think I am ready to dive into this and make another skirt, with maybe a matching v-pullover in black... hmmm....