Treasures abound last week!
Can you believe that I picked these up during one of my weekly stops to the thrift store? All the pattern pieces have been cut out, taped together and laminated. LAMINATED! Someone spent quite a bit of time putting these together. The best part? They were only $2 each. I was so excited to find these!
In addition to the thrift store, there was a local church rummage sale last week. We got a handful of winter clothes for Jake as well as some sewing books.
These are so much fun! I've been on a vintage sewing book kick lately - I guess you could say I'm now collecting them. Anyway, at less than $1 each, how could I pass them up? I've started flipping through the Claudia Ein one, I may just work my way through it - I think I'll learn a lot about sewing and altering women's clothing.
The best find at the rummage sale was a book I found for Andy called "The Principles of Meat Science." Now, for those of you who don't know him, Andy loves all things meat. Seriously. The book is definitely vintage, circa 1975, and certainly a textbook. I figured he would get a kick out of flipping through it every once in awhile. And I was right, he loves the novelty of it!