Andy rocked! We traveled up to Sacramento over the weekend so that he could participate in the Folsom Lake/Granite Bay Off-Road Triathlon - That is a 1/2 mile swim, a 16 mile mountain bike race and a 3 mile run. He did so great - I am so proud of him! The weather was definitely not cooperating, and the temperature of the water was some 58 degrees, not to mention it was extremely windy and choppy - he conquered the swim portion, the part of the race he was the most nervous about. Is that a smile I see??
He finished the race in just over two hours and twenty minutes! There he is crossing the finish line!
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Visiting Sacramento was great. Luckily we have family that live there - my sister Briana and her husband Dave as well as my brother Brandon and my nephew Tristian. We stayed with Briana and Dave for the four days and did some visiting with my brother and nephew. Andy's sister, Jenifer, even came out from San Francisco to hang out after Andy's race. The trip was fantastic.
Briana and I were able to get some girlie shopping time in... and just take a wild guess what we did?!? Yarn shopping of course! I introduced Briana, who is somewhat new to knitting, to her LYS's. We went to Downtown Sacramento and shopped at Rumpelstiltskin where I picked up this:
The new Spring 2005 Vittadini book. I would have liked to pick up the yarn for one of the projects, but they did not have it in stock yet since it is new to the season. We also went to Filati in Rocklin... this store was fantastic. I definitely recommend a stop to it if you are ever in the area. The store was gigantic with lots of room to browse around and everything was very well organized. I really enjoyed how they had different areas for each yarn manufacturer then had it sorted by yarn color in separate metal cubbies. It made it very easy and simplistic to find things. The store's entire back wall was covered with every kind of knitting and crochet needle imaginable - Addi's, Inox, Brittany, Clover - you name it, they had it. They also had an entire wall area dedicated to clearance items! It was the largest clearance area I have ever seen in a LYS. Needless to say, I could not pass this up:
Five balls of Rowan 4-Ply Cotton in black - it was in their grab-bag clearance bins for $20! I don't have anything planned for it yet, but I am sure it will not take me long to find something! I wish we had the opportunity to do more exploring in the store, they close at five o'clock and we got there at four. That's okay though, it will be the first stop next time we visit Sacramento!
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While we were gone, my Elann order came:
Something for me, something as a gift and something for a scarf to sell down the road.